Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

GBP Breaks above 1.60 by Korman Tam

The greenback was mixed in the Wednesday session, slumping sharply against the sterling to a near 7-month low and edging up versus the yen.

Economic data from the US was better than expected earlier today. Existing home sales shot up by 2.9% in April to 4.68 million units, reversing a downwardly revised 3.4% decline in March. Traders will look ahead to data on Thursday, including weekly jobless claims, April durable goods orders and new home sales.


Sterling Rallies

This article contains the following sections:

# Sterling Rallies

# Euro Regains Footing

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Rabu, 20 Mei 2009

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Self-Study Course

Learn key Forex concepts online, at your own pace. Seven web-based lessons cover the essentials of Forex trading:

· Understand currency quoting and the factors driving individual currency movements.
· Read and analyze currency charts using advanced technical tools.
· Recognize trends in the market – as they emerge.
· Balance risk against reward intelligently and pro-actively.
· Anticipate and react to major economic event impacting global currencies.
· Employ sound money management techniques to attempt to maximize gains and keep losses to a minimum.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Below is a general narrative of the process.
1. Engage a good fund developer.
2. Keep track of all of your expenses for the fund development process.
3. Determine whether you must register as Investment Adviser based on the laws in your state (you may choose to register
even if not required).
4. Complete the first pass at the CMSG-supplied Terms Sheet with the definition of topics that will make your fund unique to
you. During this time, you will be finalizing the fund’s Investment Objective and Investment Strategies, preparing
biographical data on yourself to include in the offering documents, and making decisions that will affect how often you
accept investors, how you will be compensated, and what expenses the Fund will bear as opposed to the
ManagementCompany, etc.
5. If you need to register as an Investment Adviser, start the process. This process should be done concurrently with the rest
of this list.
(a) Use www.iard.com to complete Form ADV Part I.
(b) Prepare Form ADV Part II.
(c) Sign up for the Series 65 examination (unless you already have the appropriate NASD status).
(d) Obtain study materials and pass the exam.
(e) Complete any state registration application forms.
(f) Send in your forms and check for the application fee to the state.
6. If you are forming a Commodity Hedge Fund, start the process of becoming a member of the NFA. See this page:
http://www.nfa.futures.org. You will need to register as a Commodity Pool Operator with the NFA.
7. CMSG sends you a first draft of your offering documents (Private Placement Memorandum, LLC Agreement, and
Subscription Booklet).
8. Do a very thorough review of the first draft of your offering documents. Ask questions of CMSG to make sure you
understand all of the aspects of your fund as defined in the offering documents.
9. Continue collecting additional data needed to answer any outstanding questions from the Terms Sheet.
10. Form your entities. CMSG will assist you in this to ensure that everything is done properly. We review tax considerations,
such as whether your home state requires tax withholding for your investors (which would indicate that you might want to
consider a Delaware entity for the Hedge Fund). Unless there are extenuating circumstances, your Management Company
should be set-up in your home state.
11. CMSG prepares IRS forms for you to use to obtain the Employer ID Numbers (EIN) for your entities from the IRS. Using
those forms, contact the IRS and get the numbers so you will be able to set up your banking and brokerage relationships.
12. Respond to CMSG inquiries regarding regulatory questions and any outstanding Terms Sheet questions (for example, get
your bank and brokerage relationships set-up).
13. CMSG prepares interim drafts of your documents as additional Terms Sheet items are defined. Review all interim drafts of
your offering documents.
14. After we work together to prepare your final draft, CMSG’s outside legal counsel performs a thorough review of your final
draft, makes any necessary changes, and approves it for distribution.
15. CMSG prepares SEC Form D for the fund and the blue sky filings for the initial states where you expect to distribute your
offering documents.
16. CMSG prepares a final invoice for the hedge fund formation process. We send this to you via e-mail. Upon payment, we
send you the pdf copies of your final documents, your Form D and the blue sky regulatory filings, instructions on how and
where to file the various documents, and general instructions regarding the distribution of your offering documents.
17. Take your offering documents to a copy store (e.g., Kinko’s, Staples, etc.) and have it printed and bound. Consider the
image you wish your fund to project when choosing the printing materials and binding method. Remember that you can
have no marketing materials other than your offering documents. This is a stipulation of the SEC under the rules that allow
you to have this type of a private placement.
18. File SEC Form D.
19. If you registered as an Investment Advisor or with the NFA for as a Commodity Pool Operator, ensure that the regulators
have approved any such applications.
20. Start distributing your offering documents and attracting investors. Keep a log of all individuals to whom you distribute your
documents. CMSG provides you with a form you can use for this purpose.
21. File your blue sky filings within the appropriate time—either before distribution or within 15 days of the first sale in that
state, depending on the state’s rules.
22. Deposit your seed capital and start the initial trading of the fund.
23. Purchase the hedge fund accounting software you are going to use and start recording your fund’s trading activity and the
acceptance of investors.
24. Prepare the monthly or quarterly statements for your investors and send out with your cover letter. Continue to attract

Starting your own hedge fund business can be your ticket to financial and business freedom. So as you start your fund, plan for the long haul and plan wisely. If you decide on a low-cost, low-risk vehicle for getting your fund off to a solid start, talk to us about an incubator fund. Call us for a free initial consultation todiscuss incubator fund strategies. In this consultation, you will speak to Hannah Terhune, a veteran hedge fund and tax attorney on registration, development and entity structure issues, accounting, tax and audit issues, and price quotes. After this initial consultation, you can upgrade to our full execution services and we will start work on your dream business plan.
Talk to us at the earliest stages of your plans to avoid wasted time and money. We focus on start-up, incubator and small hedge funds and their trading advisers. We understand your needs better than most and we design services and products to meet your special needs. Our competitors want to sell you the blueprints and build the hedge fund all at once; they make more money that way. We put you first and customize a flexible plan that allows you to build your fund in two separate phases. By using our incubator fund strategy you can spread the costs over time. Our two- step process costs no more than doing everything at once.

We offer free initial consults and free web and media content so that you can make informed decisions. We offer the lowest prices in the world, outstanding support and customer service as well as the best start-up and full service packages in the business. We can help you start a money management business and a fund through:

Consult with veteran hedge fund attorney Hannah Terhune about your business plan, the law, registration, tax and accounting issues. She will explain the law to you and discuss business development, tax, accounting, reporting and business strategies that will help you. Her focus is your long-term success; not selling you services you don't need. Her step-by-step approach allows you to start and grow your business in stages.

Put the Horse Before the Cart
It is important to understand your options before you commit to development of your hedge fund or investment adviser. The tax issues are not as important as the legal issues. Good tax planning follows sound business planning. Hannah Terhune, veteran hedge fund attorney, is also an experienced international tax attorney with two law degrees. One of her degree is a master of law in taxation and she has authored over 100 published articles on international tax planning. Remember, the tail doesn't wag the dog. Figure out your business plan and then let us help you address your tax concerns. We don't peddle tax shelters and bogus tax opinions on outdated tax issues like our competition. We always focus on appropriate tax planning and it permeates our business culture.

Incubator (start-up) Funds
Incubator funds are the cheapest and most flexible hedge fund business plan available today. You can form your incubator fund with us in the United States for $2,500 (offshore incubator fund cost is $5,000). Then begin creating a stellar performance record. When ready you can complete the setup of a hedge fund that can be offered to others. We also prepare fund level accounting and tax results for a reasonable additional cost. You don't need any other law firms or service providers as we can handle all your business and tax needs here.

Fund Types
We offer all of the services you need to start a successful money management or hedge fund business. What you trade (securities, commodities, forex) determines what type of fund you need and it makes a big difference in fund design. Each type fund is different. Securities funds are governed by SEC at both the federal and state level. Commodity pools and forex funds are governed by the CFTC/NFA.
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